• Pronto Comics News

A Bunch of Meetings and Updates

So there is a lot going on in Pronto comics these days and here is some of it:

Our anthologies

As of now Pronto has multiple anthologies in the works, some of which will be ready for Ocotober.

Currently we plan to have these projects for October: 1 (perhaps 2) Space anthologies, Eric is pushing hard to have something done, James will have a printed two issue version of his webcomic Dial Zero with space in the back of each issue for an add and a pinup.

The following though is a list of all our anthologies. If you have been following Pronto for awhile now and are interested in them and would like to participate,  feel free to get in touch with the appropriate editor. Send us an email with and introduction and some examples of your previous work and we promise to look it over and get in touch.

Space – is currently looking for inkers and colorists. If you are interested you can email Patrick (pmaccc@aol.com)
Fairytale – is accepting scripts. If you are interested you can email James B. (maxmeanie@gmail.com)
Blackout – will begin in the fall. If you are interested you can email Jorel (Silentthoughts88@hotmail.com)
Pronto Spotlight – needs 2 pencilers. If you are interested you can email Ray (ray.crisara@aig.com)
Pronto Spectacular – Achilles has set a final deadline of August 19th, all pages need to be sent to him by that date, (achillesyeldell@hotmail.com)
Pronto Comics Presents – is full, but if you want to contact him for more details you can email Gary (gmp1074@gmail.com)
War – is moving slowly and we could still use 2 pencilers. Email me if you are interested Dominic (dsparano@hotmail.com)
Online Store Option
Pronto Comics has many purposes, one of the being to expand our market and promote our creators. For that purpose we will be expanding onto some new sites and creating online stores. Lulu, drivethrucomics and createspace are all site of interest that will allow our members to sell the books online. This is not a mandatory part of membership. This is merely an option for those members who wish to pursue it.
There are many reasons why Pronto Comics will be offering this option to our members. If you have any questions about why we are pursuing the online market please feel free to email me directly at dsparano@hotmail.com. Once the online stores are in place a “how to” will be sent out as well as a F.A.Q sheet.

The Animation Division
We have a lot of writers with a lot of ideas. Currently we have more scripts then artists to draw them, but amongst our artists we have several animators. Finally we have a youtube channel. Contemplating these variables we have started an animation division. If you are interested in submitting a script or joining the division please get in touch with either myself (dsparano@hotmail.com) or Ignacio (ignatz@techemail.com).
We made our goal of $1800 and as well speak Kickstarter is currently collecting that money for us. We discussed what we want to do with that money and currently we plan to use it for booking tables and convention and helping to cover printing costs.
As we all know we have 2 major conventions coming up. Wizard (the first weekend in Ocotober) and ComicCon (the second weekend of October). However we are also looking into a smaller convention in Sept in NJ. Also there is another show in Brooklyn in December. Also we have already begun to look into the next Mocca festival. If you have any ideas or news about upcoming convention please direct them to Izzy our Conventions Coordinator  (izzyL@prontocomics.com).
The Creative Meeting:
Tuesdays meeting functioned more as a meet-up a creative update then an organized meeting. A new and interested illustrator came, Ben Schwartz (www.wackyfuncomics.com), and got to know some of our writers heard from several editors about projects that could use his talents. 

For the most part it was a great meet-up time. Artists, writers and editors got to meet up and discuss projects together, which is the ultimate point of having the meeting.

The Business Meeting

The Business Meeting

As is the Pronto custom, on the first Thursday of the month we have a big meeting at Pearl Studios. 

This meeting will revolve around several topics, most notably what to do with the Kickstarted money we have raised. 

Also, and perhaps even more importantly our need for artists. As it is Pronto is bursting with creative writing talent and we have more scripts then artists to draw them. 

Although having so much creative energy is nice, it is also slowing us down. 

So if you have been following Pronto, are an artist and interested in getting involved, we would love to see you tomorrow night. The meeting starts at 8 pm. 

The Creative Meeting

Also as a reminder we will have our second creative meeting the following Tuesday 8/10. It will be held at Pronto Pizza on 41st between Broadway and 6th. That meeting will be held at 7. All are welcome and as always the focus will be on creativity, the creative process, collaboration and networking amongst creators.