• Pronto Comics News

Moving Ahead

Well the Pronto Comics machine is in full swing again. We are currently adding new artists to our staff and are working on a new anthology plus individual titles.

What about this new anthology you say?

Well I won’t give away too much detail but I will say that is all about Awesome side kicks. So if you ever thought Robin was more interesting the Batman or that Speedy was a deeper character the Green Arrow, this is the book for you.

But wait Pronto Comics guy, didn’t you say something about individual titles?

That’s right, Pronto comics is branching out with a slew of new individual titles coming soon. Currently we are offering Warmage and Monster lover 2 from the artist/writer Dumok. You can check them out at our Lulu store: http://stores.lulu.com/prontocomics

Dumok is also working on a new book A Call to Destiny Chapter 6.

I can also tell you that there are new webomics coming out from James Babbo (writer and penciler of Crystal Beth vs. Giggle Boy) every 3 weeks at jamesbabbo.com

AND new stories will be coming from other writers like Achilles Yeldell, Patrick McEvoy, and Jorel Lonesome.

So keep in touch Pronto comics fans, cause there will be plenty of things coming soon!

1st Post

Hi All You Pronto Comics fans,

This is our 1st blog post here on wordpress. Every Wednesday, we will be making a blog post keeping our fans up to date with all our current projects, stories and ideas. The Pronto Comics bullpen is all a buzz with brand new ideas to bring you, the fans, the best new cutting edge comics we can.

So come back early and come back often to find out what is happening with your new favorite comic company, Pronto Comics

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